Currently Scheduled Exams
This calendar shows exams currently registered with the BJCP. All exams are beer judging (tasting) exams unless otherwise noted. Exam sites per month and the number of examinees per site are limited. When the limit of sites is reached, the month will be marked as full.
If you wish to sign up to take an exam, contact the person listed on the exam calendar to reserve your spot. Early registration is encouraged as exams can fill months in advance and some exam administrators conduct exam preparation sessions prior to the exam.
Do not contact the BJCP directly to register for an exam as BJCP staff will have no idea if there are exam seats available. The BJCP does not register individual examinees.
Exam Administrators
For more information on scheduling exams, follow the Scheduling Procedures. We do not accept requests for exams held more than 24 months in the future.
Exam admins can pay for their exams using the payment form.