Contact Us

Regional Representatives

If you are a program member, our ten elected representatives are available to address your questions or concerns regarding overall program matters. Please contact the regional representative that corresponds to the BJCP region in which you reside.

Region Email Address
North [email protected]
Northeast [email protected]
Mid-Atlantic [email protected]
Midwest [email protected]
Mountain/Northwest [email protected]
South [email protected]
West [email protected]
Asia-Pacific [email protected]
Europe, Middle East, Africa  [email protected]
Latin America [email protected]


For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP competitions, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Competition Directorate.


For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP communications, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Communication Directorate.

Education and Training

For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP education and training, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Education and Training Directorate.


For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP exams, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Exam Directorate.


For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP finances or accounting, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Finance Directorate Treasurer.

Information Technology

For questions, comments, or concerns related to BJCP information technology, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP IT Directorate.

Style Guidelines

For questions, comments, feedback or new submissions to BJCP Beer/Mead/Cider Guidelines, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Style Directorate.

Lapel Pin Request Inquiry

For questions related to BJCP Lapel Pin Order or status, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Lapel Pin Inquiry.

Badge Request Inquiry

For questions related to BJCP Badge Order or status, please direct all correspondence to the BJCP Badge Inquiry.

General Inquiries

If you’re not sure as to where to direct your correspondence, please email BJCP Info and a representative will reply.

Physical Mailing Address

For any matter that requires physical correspondence (legal, regulatory, etc.), please use the following mailing address:

Beer Judge Certification Program, Inc.
5115 Excelsior Blvd., #326
St. Louis Park, MN 55416